Recipes (and improvisations)

I love to cook! But I know how it feels to walk into your kitchen at 6:30pm, starving, with no plans and no ideas for what to make for dinner. And the pressure to make something "healthy" can put you over the edge.

You do not have to eat yet another dry chicken breast with a limp vinegar-only salad to be healthy.

I hope the recipes listed here will inspire you to make food that is easy to cook and healthy and so delicious that you will savor every mouthful. You can also get ideas from my Facebook page where I take lots of pictures of the food I cook for my family.

And check out my nutrition page for what it means to eat healthily.

A few of the items listed are not conventional recipes at all. When I’m in a hurry, I’m a big fan of what I call “improvisations,” where you grab a few ingredients you have at hand and put together a simple, healthy meal. So in the improvisations in the list, you’ll see guidelines and tips rather than specific requirements—feel free to experiment!